Guru Profesional

Guru Profesional

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Photo Siswa Kreatif

mts n 30 sangat lah populer di kalangan masyarakat,banyak pengalaman yang saya alami di mts n 30 jakarta...
gool luck mts n 30 jakarta the best school..
A7X for seven i like it...Lyric Lagu :
Pee Wee Gaskins
Be Seen And Be Scene

strike one strike two leave the ball on the floor
this is the part someone opens the door
keep the distance on the safe range you'll never know what I made of
you better stay behind the wall
cause you know this is your last call
keep the distance on the safe range you'll never know what I made of

oo oo oo oo oo
so stand still or this is what you'll get
oo oo oo o oo oo
just go back or I'll beat you down down down, boy

Did you know? Did you know?
About my secret identity?
It's been safe with me for over the years
You wont find out unless you want to rest in pieces

strike one strike two leave the ball on the floor
this is the part someone opens the door
keep the distance on the safe range you'll never know what I made of
you better stay behind the wall
cause you know this is your last call
keep the distance on the safe range you'll never know what I made of

And if you want we'll talk about it
And let me have what I called peace

Pesan :
1. Buat sekolah
semoga bisa jadi sekolah yang terbaik
semoga menjadi sekolah terfavorit
semoga fasilitasnya lebih di tambah lagi .
2. Buat guru-guru
sabar ya bu dan bpk , menghadapi murid-murid .
semoga menjadi guru yang bisa dekat dengan murid dan ngertiin keadaan muridnya .
3. Buat ade kelas
hormatilah guru kalian .
4. Buat teman-teman may
jaga nama baik MTs ya
walaupun kita udah ga di MTs 
dan semoga sukses

kesan :
may cukup senang sekolah di MTs . may cukup banyak dapat pengalaman walau ada yang ga may suka . intinya may di MTs banyak mendapat sahabat dan pengalaman .

Bu dan Bpk maafin semua kesalahan may ya . do'a kan may dan teman-teman ya bu & bpk . terima kasih atas bimbingan,pengajaran & semuanya yang bpk & ibu kasih ke may . may ga akan melupakan ibu & bpk .
once again,,thank you very much for my teachers !!
Banyak kenangan yang gak mungkin amel lupain selama sekolah disini , mulai dari guru2 teman2 dan semuanya...
Banyak terima kasih buat bapak ibu guru yang udah ngajarin kita :)
pesannya .. Do the best everything that you do !

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